참고 자료
유료 서비스
- When will my post be published?
- We are using the User Registration system to reduce problematic contents that may defame or slander users or illegal contents.
However, some users may find it inconvenient to log-in before using our services.
In order to ameliorate this inconvenience, we made it possible to make post without logged-in.
So our staff will review posts that are made without user log-in.
If you make post while logged-in, your post will be published immediately.
If you make post without user log-in, your post will be reviewed and published typically within 1 to 3 days.
(If you scheduled a future post, the post will be published on the scheduled date.)
If we decide that the post has problematic contents or it violates our terms of use, we will not be able to publish it.
Please understand and agree with this before you use our service.
We will not send you notification in such cases.
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